hiba ali (they)

hiba ali is a producer of moving images, sounds, garments and words. born in karachi, pakistan, they grew up in chicago and toronto, and belong to east african, south asian and arab diasporas. they are a practitioner and (re)learner of swahili, urdu, arabic and spanish languages.

they work on two long term art and publication projects: the first being an art-based phd project that examines the architecture of surveillance and women of colour's labor as it exists within the monopoly of amazon (corp.) and the second being a series of works that addresses music, cloth and ritual practices that connect east africa, south asia and the arabian peninsula in the swahili-indian ocean region.

they use principles of game design, 3d animation and immersive installations to create liminal spaces where they engage in world building, storytelling and digital poesis. in their practice, this term means a way to call forth more loving and healing into our world. they use virtual reality, 3d animation and augmented reality to slow down time and create portals of solace and care.